The man who forgot how to read : a memoir

Auteur : 

One midsummer morning, crime novelist Howard Engel picked up his newspaper and discovered that he could no longer read it. While he slept, Engel had experienced a stroke and now suffered from a rare condition called alexia sine agraphia, meaning that he could write, but not read. As well, his memory failed him, he had trouble remembering where things went, apples and grapefruit looked the same, and names and places eluded him. Engel began learning to read again, and even wrote a Benny Cooperman mystery based on his own experiences.

Langue originale : 
Editeur : 
Toronto : HarperCollins, 2007
Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
Adaptation : 
Institut national canadien pour les aveugles (ABC)
Tranche d'âge : 

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